2nd International Congress “Collagen in the pathologies of the musculo-skeletal apparatus”

Dr. Rodina Nestorova – Our experience with Collagen Medical Devices in shoulder pathologies.


Dr. David Hernandez Herrero – Spain Value of pain and satisfaction after treatment with subcutaneous collagen in patients with epicondylitis refractory to other treatments.


Dr. Edoardo Milano – Italy Collagen Medical Device MD-Lumbar in the combined treatment of pain due to lumbar rachis instability.


Dr.ssa Aleksandra Nitecka Buchta – Poland Comparison between Collagen and Lidocaine Intramuscular Injections in Terms of Their Efficiency in Decreasing Myofascial Pain within Masseter Muscles: A Randomized, Single-Blind Controlled Trial.


Prof. Filippo Randelli – Italy Greater trochanteric pain syndrome. New therapeutic perspectives.


Dr. Piotr Godek – Poland Does the route of administration really matter?